Monday, 21 June 2010

Sunday 20th June

Up at the crack of dawn as we’re leaving Cornwall today to go to Bristol. The plan was to set off at 10am but we failed the lights test. Fortunately just a loose bulb and we still ended up in Bristol at about 2pm after 184 mile drive – you forget just how remote Cornwall is. Part of Bristol was coned off to a cycle anywhere event but a kind council worker took pity on us and moved the cones out of the way so we could get to the site. Set up in about 15 minutes and drove to Clevedon Court which is a medieval manor house which has been added to in a higgledy-piggledy way over the last few hundred years which gives it loads of character although all the photos look a bit strange.
Lovely layout of the ancient gardens but not a lot of colour at the moment. There was still time to get to another National Trust property today that is just a few miles away at Tyntesfield. It’s an enormous estate with what appears to be a superb gothic mansion but unfortunately it was covered in scaffolding and so we decided it was one for another day. Even so we had a lovely mile or so walk through the estate and woodlands.

We decided to eat early as we wanted to get back to the caravan to see the Brazil vs Ivory Coast match so we headed back to the site at Baltic Wharf and ate at the Cottage Inn on the waterfront right next to the site, with such good weather, it was heaving!

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