Sunday, 20 June 2010

Thursday 17th June

Housework day today and hopefully a chance to let the sunburn recover a little. Went out early and got enormous Danish pastries and Cornish pasties for lunch – best to leave Jean in peace to battle with the washing machines! Walked down to our local beach at Gwithian Towans across the sand dunes and had a coffee at the beach/surf cafĂ© where they provide internet access so that Jean could do some work and I could check the Fantasy football. Took a drive to St Ives after lunch – found a parking space down by the harbour and had a stroll through the town. Not really our kind of place too busy and really not very interesting – perhaps you need to be in the mood to browse the arty/farty shops which we obviously weren’t. We stopped at the Bluff Inn on the way home which we’d been to before at the New Year but was shut then.
It’s a beautiful outlook from the garden of the pub across to St Ives in the west and to our beach and lighthouse to the east. No real ale though – it’s a lager/tattoo pub. Home for a sandwich and more footie.

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